CloudMaps EM

CloudMaps EM (EU Management) is based on a Master of Science program to optimize both the public and the private sector. UK, Denmark and Norway are part of the European Internal Market. Their parliamentary relation is solid. All the nations have agreed to some obligations to give, - in order to get their rightful goods from the community.
Unfortunately, the obligations are illegally undermined decades by international organized crime. The Brits lose millions of pounds per day and billions annually. Financial problems for public services, citizens' rights and companies' deficits would be easily solved, if the public authorities turn more legal.


The legal obligations are in the The Treaty of the European Union. The national ratifications are unfortunately not correctly ratified into law and practice on important issues. However, there are no legal obstacles to end such illegalities. The Treaty is superior to any obsolete, misguiding and missing national laws and practices.


A legal Law of Competition, according to the Treaty's articles will cause:
1. Opening for Small Enterprises to the huge public market
2. Reduction of abusive oligarchic treaties and practices in the public market (101-109).
3. Reduction of market-distorting abuses by state-aid to suppliers of the public sectors (107).
4. Re-distributing state aids to the citizens from the oligarchic actors (107).
5. Prohibition of c
ustoms duties and charges having equivalent effects (30).
(Use <ctrl+f> to search to the article in the Treaty.)


It should be unnecessary to remind that public servants are obligated by national Penalty Law about Crimes in the public sector. It also should be unnecessary to remind that the law is above journalists, politicians and organized criminals that opposes and acts against it.

CloudMaps EM will expand the information by these subcategories.

Public focus National EU info EU Commision info Get SME support Tip EU of breaches  
CloudMaps focus LEJD Quality Public Sector Enterprises Legal Quality  
  Legislative Parliament
Executive Publ. sector
Juridical Court
The Community
The Internal Market
Basic Income
Micro Enterprises
Små og Mediumsized
Public Enterprises
Organized Crime
Illegal State Aid
Illegal Markets
Legal SME Aid
Legal Basic Income


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